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  • 21:25 UTC (diff) KindleFeedback . . . . AlexandreDulaunoy Kindlegen proprietary tool added - why there is no free software generating mobipocket book format? + Perl module (relying on no external libraries?) (minor)
  • 21:21 UTC (diff) KindleFeedback . . . . AlexandreDulaunoy Kindlegen proprietary tool added - why there is no free software generating mobipocket book format?





  • 21:45 UTC (diff) KindleFeedback . . . . AlexandreDulaunoy = Kindle Notes = == Positive Points == * e-Ink display is really good without the old back light effect used on some older e-book readers * . . .
  • 21:24 UTC (diff) KindleFeedback . . . . AlexandreDulaunoy = Kindle Notes = == Positive Points == * e-Ink display is really good without the old back light effect used on some older e-book readers * . . .
  • 21:22 UTC (new) KindleFeedback . . . . AlexandreDulaunoy = Kindle Notes = == Positive Points == * e-Ink display is really good without the old back light effect used on some older e-book readers * . . .
