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  • 15:52 UTC (diff) DjabberdConfig . . . . adulau = djabberd = djabberd ( is a modularized Jabber server written in perl. Here is some notes of the configuration . . .
  • 15:49 UTC (diff) DjabberdConfig . . . . adulau = djabberd = djabberd ( is a modularized Jabber server written in perl. Here is some notes of the configuration . . .
  • 15:33 UTC (diff) DjabberdConfig . . . . adulau = djabberd = djabberd ( is a modularized Jabber server written in perl. Here is some notes of the configuration . . .
  • 15:27 UTC (new) DjabberdConfig . . . . adulau = djabberd = djabberd ( is a modularized Jabber server written in perl. Here is some notes of the configuration . . .
