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(for 2011-12-25_Against_SOPA_or_How_To_Do_Soap only)

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  • 15:29 UTC (diff) 2011-12-25 Against SOPA or How To Do Soap . . . . = I'm against SOPA... So I'll explain how to do soap with olive oil = One more time, some lobbyists try to regulate the Internet with some of the . . . (minor)
  • 15:16 UTC (diff) 2011-12-25 Against SOPA or How To Do Soap . . . . = I'm against SOPA... So I'll explain how to do soap with olive oil = One more time, some lobbyists try to regulate the Internet with some of the . . .
  • 15:15 UTC (new) 2011-12-25 Against SOPA or How To Do Soap . . . . = I'm against SOPA... So I'll explain how to do soap with olive oil = One more time, some lobbyists try to regulate the Internet with some of the . . .
