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(for 2007-08-26_Joshua_In_Gaume only)

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  • 17:09 UTC (diff) 2007-08-26 Joshua In Gaume . . . . When living in a rural area, lots of people think there is nothing or not much social activities but this is not really true at least in our area in . . . (minor)
  • 17:03 UTC (diff) 2007-08-26 Joshua In Gaume . . . . When living in a rural area, lots of people think there is nothing or not much social activities but this is not really true at least in our area in . . . (minor)
  • 17:01 UTC (new) 2007-08-26 Joshua In Gaume . . . . When living in a rural area, lots of people think there is nothing or not much social activities but this is not really true at least in our area in . . .
