2007-11-10 Dreaming Of Mediawiki Using GIT
Discussing the ability to have an off-line [http://www.mediawiki.org/ Mediawiki], I was wondering why . . . thing... Tags : [[tag:wiki]] [[tag:mediawiki]] [[tag:scm]] [[tag:offline]] [[tag:git]] [[tag:decentralized]] . . .
3K - last updated 2007-11-10 11:25 UTC by adulau
2008-05-24 My Git To-Do Process
Until very recently, I was using a mixture of text files to maintain a to-do list across my various activities. . . . Tags : [[tag:gtd]] [[tag:git]] [[tag:todo]] [[tag:scm]] [[tag:idea]] . . .
3K - last updated 2008-05-24 09:46 UTC by Alexandre Dulaunoy
2008-08-16 Operating Systems Always Need Git and GNU Screen
Following a [http://identi.ca/notice/304975 micro-discussion] with [http://www.michael-noll.com/ Michael] . . . useful? Tags : [[tag:git]] [[tag:gnu_screen]] [[tag:scm]] [[tag:gnu]] . . .
2K - last updated 2008-08-16 08:42 UTC by Alexandre Dulaunoy
GIT - the revision control (not the GNU Interactive Tools project) The definition of Linus Torvalds : . . . [[tag:SCM]] [[tag:GIT]] . . .
4K - last updated 2006-08-07 22:23 UTC by adulau
4 pages found.