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  • 22:13 UTC (diff) 2007-01-21 Net Neutrality . . . . adulau Update 2007-01-23 : I'm not against traffic engineering in the ISP backbone. I'm just against the idea to have different kind of access depending of the agreement of the ISP made with various service provider. Imagine that you have your ISP giving you a fast access to server engine but not to the google search engine. It's not a matter of law (Net Neutrality will not be solved by the legal framework), it's just a matter to keep the access to a public network. At the end, it's to keep a free market when providing access to the public Internet.


  • 18:06 UTC (new) 2007-01-21 Net Neutrality . . . . adulau I was following a little bit the long discussion about net neutrality and found this [ quote] from [ Tim Berners-Lee] about net neutrality :
