READMEitis Instructions for ITIS database MySQL download (for TAR file) 1. The MySQL software should be installed on your system. To obtain the MySQL software for installation go to: 2. Download the ITIS MySQL TAR file from: using your browser, such as MS Internet Explorer. The ITIS TAR file will be of the format: itisMySQL111908.TAR.gz Note: That throughout these instructions the file "itisMySQL111908" has "111908" as its date. Your TAR file will have its own date and not "111908" within the file name. 3. Installation instructions. Windows Instructions After downloading the ITIS MySQL tar file, that file "itisMySQL111908.TAR.gz" will now reside on your system as a compressed (TAR) file. Use WinZip or some other software to extract the following 3 files from your downloaded ITIS TAR file: installitis.bat dropcreateloaditis.sql READMEitis.txt Also extract the 24 data ".txt" files as well. 19 of those data ".txt" files will have data and the other 5 will not. Use "My Computer" to go to where you have extracted those files. On your Windows system, make sure that you can run the MySQL software as the MySQL user root on your PC. If you can't run MySQL as the MySQL user root on your PC then edit file "installitis.bat" and replace root with your chosen MySQL user name. Make sure that the MySQL Server is running on your PC prior to double clicking on the icon. Caution: When you install this new ITIS database in MySQL on your PC, the SQL command to drop any preexisting database called "itis" is first executed before creating and loading the new "itis" database. To install the ITIS database onto MySQL on your PC, double click on the icon: installitis.bat Note: You will be prompted for your MySQL password after clicking on the icon. Be patient when waiting for the data to load into MySQL. The loading of the data may take 2 minutes or more. Linux Instructions On Linux, execute the following command: mysql -uroot -p --enable-local-infile < dropcreateloaditis.sql Note: You may use a different MySQL user name other than root. Mac OS X Instructions On Mac OS X, execute the following command: mysql -uroot -p --enable-local-infile < dropcreateloaditis.sql Note: Again, you may use a different MySQL user name other than root.