INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : X.650 Title : Open systems interconnection (OSI) - reference model for naming and addressing Study Group : VII - Data Communications Networks Version : New Date of adoption : 1992 Notes : Recommendation X.650 extends the basic architectural concepts of identifiers described in Recommendation X.200. Recommendation X.650 states the architectural principles which are followed in the production ot any Recommendation which involves the identification (naming) and location (addressing) of objects for the purpose of interconnection within the Open System Interconnection Environment (OSIE). It has sufficient flexibility to accommodate advances in technology and expansion in user demands. This flexibility is also intended to allow the phased transition from existing implementations to OSI Recommendations. Recommendation X.650 is expected to be subject to future expansion, in particular with regard to Multi-Peer Data Transmission (MPDT). The architectural principles stated within Recommendation X.650 will ensure that any CCITT Recommendation that involves the identification and location of objects within the OSIE for the purpose of interconnection will: a) avoid any restrictions on: 1) the functionality that may be made available through current of future Recommendations, 2) the functionality of any real open system, 3) the internal design of any real open system; b) preserve the principle of layer independence in the OSIE, i.e. the internal functioning of one layer is not constrained by any other layer; c) preserve the principle of implementation independence in the OSIE, as expressed in Recommendation X.200. That is, no real open system (or administrator thereof) is required to know anything about the implementation design of any other real open system (or administration thereof), nor does any real open system impose such knowledge as a condition for communication using OSI Recommendations; d) allow economical support for interconnection within the OSIE. To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword 2.0: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).