INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : I.321 Title : B-ISDN Protocol reference model and its application Study Group : XVIII - ISDN Version : New Date of adoption : 1991 Notes : Recommendation I.320 contains the description of the ISDN protocol reference model (PRM). Recommendation I.321 is based on the ISDN protocol reference model as defined in Recommendation I.320, and wherever not explicitly indicated, it should conform with Recommendation I.320. The purpose of Recommendation I.321 is to take into account the functionalities of B-ISDN, which may eventually be incorporated into Recommendation I.320, as an expansion of the existing ISDN protocol reference model. The Protocol Reference Model in Recommendation I.321 is called "B-ISDN PRM" (protocol reference model of the broadband aspects of ISDN). To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword 2.0: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).