INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : F.11 Title : Continued availability of traditional services Study Group : I - Services Version : New Date of adoption : 1991 Notes : At the World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (Melbourne, 1988) considerable attention was given to ensuring a wide availability of telecommunication services with effective interconnection and interoperability. This implied a continuing availability of basic or traditional services in many international relations, despite the evolution of new or more sophisticated services. Article 4 of the International Telecommunication Regulation (Melbourne, 1988) expects Administrations to provide "a wide range of international telecommunication services" including "at least a form of telecommunication which is reasonably accessible to the public, including those who may not be subscribers to a specific telecommunication service". Resolution No. 6 of the same World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (Melbourne, 1988) called for provisions to be made "to allow, through available communication infrastructures, continued availability of traditional services so as to enable effective communications on a world-wide basis". In particular this concerned services in "certain rural areas and developing countries" that "may need to rely on existing widely available services for a relatively long period of time". Pursuant to the International Telecommunication Regulations (Melbourne, 1988), Recommendation F.11 lays down general principles on the continued availability of traditional services to facilitate global interconnection and interoperability of telecommunication facilities, pending the establishment of new services and to ensure the efficiency, usefulness and availability to the public of international telecommunication services. It addresses the coordination needed between Administrations to achieve that continued availability. Members should take any necessary steps to ensure that coordination. Within the framework of Recommendation F.11, "traditional" services include the international public telegram, telex and telephone services. To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).