INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : E.500 Title : Traffic intensity measurement principles Study Group : II - Network Operation Version : Revised Date of adoption : 1992 Notes : Traffic measurements provide the data base from which the planning, operation, management and, in some cases, accounting for transit considerations of the telephone network are carried out. Different applications may exist for the same traffic measurement. Recommendation E.500 gives the principles for measuring carried traffic and bids on circuit groups and exchanges. Circuit group dimensioning is based on a congestion objective, on the traffic intensity values at high traffic load time and on the forecast value of the intensity until the next augmentation of circuits. Intensity is measured during a daily busy hour and averaged over a number of days, to avoid exceptional values. If the grade of service depends strongly on other factors than mean intensity during busy hour (as in e.g. a multislot network), then a new traffic reference period should be defined. This is for further study. If traffic measurements are taken every day of the year (yearly continuous measurements), the required averages can be calculated directly. If traffic measurements are taken only during a limited number of days in the year (yearly non-continuous measurements), the equivalent traffic loads may be estimated. Recommendation E.500 describes the corresponding procedures. To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).