INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : D.176 Title : Transmission in encoded form of telephone reversed charge billing and accounting information Study Group : III - Tariff and Accounting Principles Version : Revised Date of adoption : 1992 Notes : Under the provisions of Recommendation D.174 where the chargeable duration of a reversed charge telephone call is determined in the outgoing country, the details of the call should be transmitted promptly to the distant Administration to enable it to perform customer billing and in certain circumstances initiate international accounting. A growing number of Administrations are processing telephone call data using computer based accounting systems. Information is drawn from traffic history tapes or from manually encoded data such as telephone tickets. It is usual, at present, to convert computer output from this processing to conventional printed accounts for dispatch to other Administrations. Where the receiving Administration also uses computer facilities, however, this information has to be re-encoded for further processing. Transmission of data in encoded form avoids the decoding/reencoding step. It also offers a faster transfer of information than by printed forms through the mail. The latter remains true even if the forwarding Administration has prepared the data by manual/mechanical means. The aim of Recommendation D.176 is to present a standard data record format for the various elements of information to be transferred. To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).