W. E. Burr 23 MAR 1988 A LIST OF COMPUTER STANDARDS FAMILIES AND ORGANIZATIONS International or Multinational ISO - International Standards Organization IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Association CCITT - International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committe U.S. X3 - Information Processing Systems ANSI - American National Standards Institute IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers EIA - Electronic Industries Association MIL-STD - U.S. Department of Defense Military Standards FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards, issued by U.S. Department of Commerce (NBS) under PL 89-306 FS - National Communications System issues Federal Telecommunications Standards for GSA under authority of Executive Orders 10705 and 10995 FCC - Regulations, Part 15, Subpart J (Computer EMI & RFI) Other Countries BSI - British Standards Institution DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung (Federal Republic of Germany) JISC - Japan Industrial Standard Committee JEIDA - Japanese Electronic Industry Development Association