W. E. Burr 23 MAR 1988 X3 AND ANSI JARGON AND ACRONYMS ANS - American National Standard. ANSI - American National Standards Institute ASC - Accredited Standards Committee - A standards committee, such as X3, which operates under procedures accredited by ANSI. BSR - Board of Standards Review. A part of ANSI. BSR conducts a final review of standards after X3 approval to ensure that consensus has been reached, and due process followed. CBEMA - Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association. A trade association which holds the Secretariat for X3. Consensus - An important concept and a requirement for approval of an ANS. The Board of Standards Review is charged with deciding whether consensus has been achieved. The ANSI Procedures for the Development and Coordination of American National Standards state: 1.3.3 Consensus. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The BSR shall base its judgment as to whether a consensus has been reached on the formal voting evidence presented by each interest category, and adherence to due process requirements. This requirement to achieve and document consensus colors everything X3T9 does, and is the reason for our apparently obsessive concern with addressing and attempting to resolve all negatives, and documenting that action. TG chairmen must keep comprehensive records of negatives and responses to those negatives, at each step from project proposal approval through X3 approval, lest approval be compromised when X3 and BSR review the record. dpANS - draft proposed American National Standard. A proposed standard becomes a dpANS after X3T9 votes to forward it to X3. Hydrolevel Case - A U.S. Supreme Court case which held both the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the officers of a standards committee liable for triple damages for an improper, anticompetitive interpretation by the committee officers who acted with the apparent authority of the ASME. Much of the recent reorganization of ANSI and X3, as well as the strong concern with process and procedure undoubtedly stems from this case and the desire to reduce vulnerability to liability for damages under antitrust law. For more information, see "Antitrust ruling chills standards setting", IEEE Spectrum, August 1982, pp. 52-54. IAC - International Advisory Committee, a committee which advises X3 on international matters. With the reorganization of TC 97 into JTC-1, IAC will be replaced by the JTC-1 TAG, whose members will represent the IEEE and EIA as well as X3. JTC-1 - A joint ISO and IEC Technical Committee which will combine ISO/TC 97 and IEC committees working on information processing. JTC-1 becomes effective November 1987. SD - Standing Document, published by X3. They include: SD-1 - Master Plan - May 1987 - It gives the plans under which X3 and its subgroups, such as X3T9 operate. This is not one of the more significant SD-s. SD-2 - Organization and Procedures - October 1985 - This document is effectively the constitution of X3. An update was published in the summer of 1987. SD-3 - Project Proposal Guide - May 1987 - This document describes the form and contents for requests to start new X3 projects. The requests themselves are often referred to, improperly, as SD-3's. SD-4 - Projects Manual - Updated quarterly - This document lists all approved projects by number. SD-5 - Standards Criteria - September 1984 SD-6 - Membership and Officers - Updated quarterly SD-7 - Meeting Schedule and Calendar - Updated quarterly SD-10 - Subgroup Annual Report Format - June 1987 SMC - Standards Management Committee. SMC advises X3 on management and organization and approves appointment of TC officers. SPARC - Standards Planning and Requirements Committee. SPARC reviews project proposals and dpANS and makes recommendations to X3 about their disposition. TAG - Technical Advisory Groups - TAG's are assigned by ANSI to advise on international matters. Usually, there is a correspondence between ISO committees and TAG's. TC - Technical Committee. X3T9 is a TC. TG - Task Group. A TG is always subordinate to a TC. X3T9.2, X3T9.3, X3T9.5, and X3T9.6 are all TG's.