SCSI BBS File Name Conventions The following file name conventions have been adopted on this board: The SCSI standard files are named as follows: SvRrr-xx.eee | |- -- |-- | | | | | | | |-- extension (see below) | | |----- section number (01 to 17 or A) or other designation | |-------- revision level of this file |---------- version level of this scsi draft revision Examples: S2R6-08.TXT is SCSI-2 Rev. 6 Section 8 plain ASCII file S2R10-15.WS is SCSI-2 Rev. 10 Section 15 WordStar (tm) file X3T9.2 Committee numbered documents are named as follows: yy-nnnRr.eee | | | | | | | |-- extension (see below) | | | | | |----- revision of file | |-------- document register number |----------- year document submitted Examples: 89-075R0.WS is Document X3T9.2/89-075 Rev 0 WordStar (tm) file 87-001R2.TXT is Document X3T9.2/87-001 Rev 2 plain ASCII file The following file extension conventions are in use: .WS - Indicates file is in WordStar (tm) format .TXT - Indicates an ASCII text file (i.e. no high order bits or control characters other than CR, LF, and FF) .ZIP - This is a compressed file or files. The 'PKZ092.EXE' utility is necessary to uncompress the file if you have an MS-DOS or PC- DOS operating system. (See File Area 2.) .BRF - A .TXT file that has omitted some lengthy text. .ZAP - A .ZIP file that has omitted some lengthy file. .WKS - A Spreadsheet .PRN - Indicates a file that is a formatted printer file. These files can be copied (redirected) to a printer to produce a hardcopy output. .EXE - MS-DOS executable file. .COM - MS-DOS executable file. .SI - The output file from the StarIndx (tm) program. The editors use this program to create section, figure, and table numbers. .BBS - A control file used by the Opus Bulletin Board Package.